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Tuesday 13 July 2010

How Do You Know When To Wean Your Baby?

When ought you wean your baby? This is a problem that gets asked of paediatricians all of the time and there are a bunch of different views on this.

Even they might not be able to tell you when the process ought to be started. What moms need is a guideline that simply lets them know when they should just cease. And unfortunately these guidelines do not exist. The weaning process just happens when baby is ready and no one possibly could tell you when it is right to cease breastfeeding except baby.

In the United States, it is estimated that only about 20 percent of babies are still nursing at six months of age. This number is very low. If you compare this to some of the other nations you might find some striking differences. Most European and Asian countries and some African cultures continue to breastfeed until the baby is around 2yrs to 4 yrs old. Most mothers find the U.S. trend of stopping breastfeeding so early as worrying in these other countries who breastfeed for longer.

Why should you keep going or why should you discontinue? There is no evidence to suggest that by breastfeeding your child for longer will harm them in any way. But if you breastfeed for longer it has been shown to give more benefits. You will find that the child is getting the nutrition they want. There is a benefit to breastfeeding your child even once a day. In America it is seen culturally as 'not the done thing' to breastfeed a child over 6 months old but this doesn't have to be like this.

As a parent, keep in mind why you chose to breastfeed in the first place. The nutrition is ideal for the child. There is also an awfully strong bond that forms with you and your baby. But most importantly you have a child that associates breastfeeding with comfort and security.

So baby weaning as a process is something that you cannot put a time on. Consider what is right for your child individually rather than looking for a goal outside of this. Ultimately,you should encourage your child to make the decision by watching to see what he or she needs rather than going with what your friend has told you is appropriate for them.

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