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Your Baby- The First Few Months

A Baby's development: age 1 to 4 months

At this stage in a baby's development things are moving on fast.By around 2 weeks the baby is really starting to pay attention to you and especially your face. This continues and by the time baby has reached 6 weeks of age he/she will really start to recognise you and may even be smiling at you too.

As the baby gets used to the new world you have brought them into they will become more and more settled and if you have had problems with crying prior to this then it possibly will settle down as you the parent get more confidence with your child.

(At around 4 months or so you will notice more social behaviour from your baby and he/she will be more aware of the surroundings they are in at this time.)

At 6-8 weeks old the chuckles and coooing starts to develop,another way to attract your attention alongside crying.This is the time that you can introduce games such as "peek a boo" to your baby who will most certainly giggle.

(At the three month stage of development the head will be able to be supported when baby is on their tummy and you may even get baby to start to stretch out to get hold of colourful toys put near them.)

There are some other signs of development too such as:

  1. Playing with hands and feet,
  2. Holding onto a toy placed into a hand,
  3. Following objects moving in the field of vision and showing interest in mobiles and hanging colourful toys,
  4. Talking and communicating with you with different sounds.

It is at this time though that baby's get used to certain people around them and will often cry if strangers or unfamiliar things are around them.

Looking at the physical developments at this age your baby should be able to wave arms and kick legs when on their back,Lift their head and lean on the elbows as well as arching the back and performing a few rocking movements when on the tummy.

Baby's have a very short attention span and often turn their head away or cry or even just go to sleep whenthey have had enough so just give them a little time if they do this and let them come back to you on their own time.

Sleep Routine:

This time in their short life is the time when they can have trouble sleeping in the evening and can often end up with mum and dad in the bedroom.

One way to get over this is to settle baby down with a night time routine- Make it quiet in the evenings, give baby a soothing bath maybe with some relaxing smells in the room, lots of quiet cuddles and feeding too will help in this situation too.

Baby's love interaction at this age and a trip out into the wide world is just what they need to stimulate them, all of the sounds and colours out there and hearing new sounds too all helps to stimulate the baby and help in his/her development.